Saturday, April 30, 2016

Stress Test Fail

 I cannot believe it is the end of April already. Today s cloudy and cool, and does not compare to the week past were we had sunshine everyday with the temps in the 80's. To cure relieve some stress I used retail therapy. I went on shopping spree for cotton yarn on sale and i found Sugar'n Cream Scented Yarn. What?! Yes indeed it smells so sweet. I have lavender, Aloe and something that smells similar to baby powder. ha! I love it . 

 I also had time in the evening to create this little crocheted pouch. I found a pattern online to get me started with the chin and then I altered it to fit my style. I sewed the buttons on using embroidery thread. Two of my friends want one now. I love them dearly. Today its finishing my homework and studies for the finals week this week coming. All I want to do is crochet and relax. I pulled my neck out with stress and tension. I'm a mess. I have poor stress management. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Hang in there

 What a crazy week it has been. I'm working on having some other life than college. This weekend I have so much to work on for school that crocheting any project might he only a dream. Next week is finals week and I'm so stressed out over what I need to remember to pass the exams. My year is over in 3 school days. Who ever it was that told me going back to school as an adult was fine , is crazier than me.  I have my son's soccer practice this weekend and there are only three games left and the season is done. I feel like we just got started. Crochet is a form of meditation and stress relief for me. I LOVE to create. Creating is in my blood. I paint with watercolours and draw. But i also crochet because it is fast and more portable. I cant read in the car without getting sick, but I can crochet and that is something. Now only if I had the money to go on a trip were I would need to bring my crochet with me. 
I did get a chance a weekend ago to make these quick and easy beginner towel holder. I made 2 in 1
 hour. We keep our snacks in a cupboard above our stove, and when we reach up and over we knock down the dish towels. I thought this was a cleaver way of keeping them on the oven door. 
Here is the pattern for you!